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Alone? Invisible?Suffering In Silence?  Do you Feel like there is nowhere to turn? 

You're In the Right Place!

Helping You Out of Isolation

The Struggle

So many of us struggle with feeling invisible, feeling alone and not being heard or understood by the ones around us, our family, and society in general and it leads many of us to feel rejected and isolated. We so strongly want to be heard, say what we actually feel, and express our unique perspective and end the feeling of being taken advantage of. We feel this pressure to conform, do what is popular and ultimately lose ourselves to the one size fits all mentality society wants so we just shut up, go along and not make trouble which causes confusion in who we are, what we want and believe and disconnects us from who we really are. We hide and we suffer in silence for a number of reasons but mainly because we feel there is nowhere to turn and no one to turn too. 

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The Path Forward

The path to who you would like to be is so overwhelming because there are too many questions, too many answers and we have this tendency to think of too many possibilities or none at all. Both routes keep us paralyzed or confused about what we should start on, where we should start, what goals to set and the steps to take in order to achieve those goals. It's all about helping you out of isolation, finding that sense of importance and giving you back control by not relying on anyone else's approval. You will finally have the strength to be the ONE who approves!

The Method

Everybody is unique and there is no one size fits all type of coaching method and that's why we focus on what will work best for You. The key to having a productive method is to finally be heard by someone who is truly helpful, has your best interests at heart and doesn't have an agenda or ideology to interfere with that process. The process entails better defining and understanding who and what you actually want and will help you differentiate the weak ideas and thoughts from the strong ones so you can aim more accurately at what you want. This keeps you better informed on what is going on with yourself and ultimately makes your progress more efficient with a better understanding so you can clearly see where you are going and how to get there. Once your goals are more clearly stated and understood, you will have a better vision of how to achieve them. We then focus on keeping the steps small and manageable as to not become too overwhelmed and by doing this you actually speed up the process because you are finally organized.


What People are Saying

Rachel C

I have had the unique privilege to work with Carson for the last 3 years. It is easy to stray from the essence of oneself when adversity strikes. Through this experience with Carson I have rekindled the effervescence I had in my youth. Carson is compassionate yet brutally honest which was essential in determining what was holding me back. His sense of humour is brilliant and balances the energy which can be heavy at times. I am truly grateful for Carson and the work we have done. He has assisted me in navigating an arduous journey. Now I move forward fortified with authenticity and intention.

Bernice M

Working with Carson was a huge eye opener for me. I was stuck and the future I wanted seemed impossible. Through our sessions I was able to open up and express myself in ways I hadn't done before. It brought me huge relief to realize why I was unable to move forward and with a greater understanding of myself I was able to let it go and make a plan for the future I wanted. I am happy to say that I now have that future.


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